
Paradisio explore the visual and psychological landscapes of the multi-dimensional experience, enveloping viewers in their own yearnings for heightened self-awareness.

Luciferin Fading
Luciferin Fading was a large-scale installation of mirrored paintings creating a seven-sided structure inside a hot air balloon. As the viewers watched a boy play "As the world falls down" by Labyrinth, a carnival ride rotates around carrying planted trees. The viewers moved through the work as the mirrored paintings reflected the passing landscape.

Painting 4
Painting4 brings together four painters- Ingrid Calane, Katharina Grosse, Michael Lin, and Jimmy O'Neal. For the exhibition O'Neal created an EEG painting machine. The EEG machine amplified the electrical frequeny of O'Neal's brain waves and wirelessly transmitted them to the painting.

Speclum, an exhibition at The William H. Van Every Gallery at Davidson College in Davidson, NC, draws inspiration from mythology, alchemy and, more specifically, P.E.I. Bonewits' 1971 treatise on The Laws of Magic. O'Neal employs his specially-formulated mirrored paint to create semi-static works that exist in "real time".

Activating Space
Activating Space was an exhibition at Jacksonville Museum of Modern Art. The work shown were created using the artist EEG brain wave machine.

Felt Time
Felt Time, an exhibition at the Lowe Gallery in Atlanta, GA, presented large-scale prints. The imagery on the prints were created by forcing electrical currents through the body of the artist as he burned pinhole lines into clear paint. The resulting images were hung away from the wall so that the viewers could see the light projected from the pinholes in the surface. Behind the painting viewers could observe the constellation patterns from the light.

Make it New
Make it New engaged artist throughout Western, NC producing an exhibition of contemporary works. In the exhibition O'Neal utilizes the seductive, symbolically loaded material to create works that function as both artworks and as interactive objects.